Thursday, February 4, 2010

figured out what direction i'm going in..

Decided to go the illustration route. While the books themselves are quite graphic I wanted to play on that and have the Covers be toned down yet suggest a little darkness




My books: Haunted, Lullaby and Diary all by Chuck Palahniuk.


  1. I'm not sure if these are your final covers or not, but I really respond to the direction you took these. I think the typewriter font is working nicely with the illustrations, and that it kind of helps give that "dark" side you wanted to achieve in these as well. I would love to see how the finals turned out-you should post them if you haven't already!

  2. I like the color scheme of your covers. I like how you played with the justification of the type on the back cover. It is very quirky and cool, which matches the hand drawn illustrations on the cover. I like how you really pushed them and didn't do that expected. Nice!
